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  • Writer's pictureYellow Brick Road Token

How Bitcoin Can Accelerate Health Care Reform

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Close-up corner shot of office buildings, one featuring a pronounced Bitcoin symbol on the front of the building.

Bitcoin, The Collective Answer

The use of cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin, is starting to seem like the means for a revolution in how we perform health care transactions. Bitcoin, a virtual and peer-to-peer currency, is being implemented in many ways across health care, including insurance premiums and fee-based medication or treatments to charitable donations and pharmaceutical research.

Advocates of Bitcoin tend to base their stance on the currency’s global credibility. Many prominent retailers and independent businesses already process plenty of transactions using the money. It is also transparent and legitimate in that there is a mathematically complex and verifiable formula for Bitcoin in circulation and the remaining quantity waiting to be ‘mined.’

Bitcoin harnesses perceived value and actual worth due to its scientific merits and plentiful usage among consumers, businesses, traders, and bankers. The flexibility of the currency as a successful alternative payment source highlights a critical component that healthcare represents: the freedom of choice. That freedom enables companies that might not typically be able to afford the wellness plans that the employees deserve due to inflation.

Health care reform is necessary, but with any reform comes a load of expenses that many companies can’t cover. Bitcoin can serve as a collective answer that allows businesses to purchase more and invest in in-house dietitians, trainers, psychologists, counselors, and much more - making corporate wellness a reality.

The Digital Wallet to Wellness

For more information about how Bitcoin can support and elevate the healthcare industry, go to

“I want to remind readers that the 'wallet to wellness,' so to speak, is here - now. For example: Hive illustrates the simplicity and security of this point because of its novel way to send and receive Bitcoin.

This digital wallet is just that: The online equivalent of an actual wallet - strike that: a physical wallet is vulnerable to theft and misplacement, in contrast to an encrypted and effective web-based alternative - that makes paying for goods and services a proverbial no-brainer.

I return, therefore, to my original assertion about Bitcoin, that it can be a catalyst for a more comprehensive brand of corporate wellness. That version is the result of global communications and sound economics, delivered to us in a user-friendly design.

With this powerful combination, we can elevate our standards and expectations about our own personal health. We can finance a new road to wellness. We can invest in the things we need, to improve the services we want, for the outcome we all desire: Better health and vitality.”

From The Currency of Wellness: The Bitcoin Revolution for Health Care Reform - Corporate Wellness Magazine

Photo Source: WIX

Do you currently use Bitcoin to pay for anything in the real world? How would you feel about using it for healthcare?

Written by Yellow Brick Road

June 14th, 2022

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