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How AI-Based Tech Can Improve Healthcare Across Africa

Updated: Aug 25

Improving Access To Healthcare Across The Continent


In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool with the potential to revolutionize various industries. Among its most promising applications is healthcare—a sector where AI can provide groundbreaking improvements, particularly in regions facing significant challenges. Africa is one region where healthcare systems struggle due to socio-economic, environmental, and political factors. However, the intersection of AI and healthcare holds immense promise for improving access to quality healthcare for millions across the continent.


Despite notable progress in reducing infectious diseases and improving life expectancy, Africa struggles with consistently accessible and reliable healthcare services. Pharmacies in local communities are typically the first point of care in underserved regions, but they’re usually only able to offer the most commonly required drugs like antimalarials and antibiotics. African health tech innovators have been developing AI-based tools to address these concerns. For example, Shelf Life is an inventory management and financing service from Field Intelligence that transforms pharmacy operations across Nigeria and Kenya. The service enables pharmacies to source a variety of authenticated medications at affordable rates.


Some of the most crucial innovations that should be implemented in healthcare systems across the continent are telemedicine, mobile health applications, and digital health records. Africa's vast geographical spread and rural population make access to healthcare facilities a daunting challenge. AI-powered telemedicine platforms can connect patients in remote areas with specialized doctors in urban centers or even abroad. Additionally, AI-powered translation tools can bridge language barriers, ensuring patients receive accurate information and care in their native languages. Mobile health applications and digital health records can streamline patient information management and empower patients to better understand their health by allowing patients to closely monitor the progress of their diagnoses, chronic conditions, and medication management.


The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is taking strides to leverage technology in healthcare systems across the continent. In 2023, the CDC committed to investing in technology to help create more fortified health systems for underserved populations. Their key initiatives in achieving these goals include connecting all African health facilities digitally and promoting African-based health tech innovations.


Screening With AI And Preventive Care


To learn more about how AI-based technology can improve healthcare across Africa, go to

“In Africa, breast cancer mortality-to-incidence ratios remain significantly higher compared to other regions, largely due to challenges such as inadequate infrastructure in rural areas. A company called Medsol AI Solutions in South Africa is working to address this challenge with the development of a cutting-edge, Wi-Fi-enabled ultrasound probe designed for rapid breast cancer detection. This innovative technology leverages AI algorithms to analyze medical imaging data swiftly, enabling healthcare professionals to identify and diagnose breast cancer at its earliest stages. The accompanying rapid diagnosis app facilitates quicker therapeutic interventions, while the portable probe enables the extension of screening services to regions with limited healthcare infrastructure.

There has been similar success in Kenya in reducing mortality rates with AI remote cardiac diagnosis, which means patients can be screened and diagnosed regardless of location.”

Source: Why Ai Has A Greater Healthcare Impact In Emerging Markets - WeForum

Photo Source: WIX - 

Written by AQUAMERGE

June 20th, 2024


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