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Highly Anticipated Limoverse Token Burn Took Over 86-Million Tokens Out of Supply!

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$LIMO Tokens Have a Total Supply Of 10-Billion Tokens

Aiming to become the world's most prominent digital health economy, Limoverse’s $LIMO tokens are currently available for trade on Poloniex, Bitmart, and Pancakeswap exchanges. Limoverse incentivizes users to work out more with their HealthFi program by offering rewards when users walk, jog, run, and burn calories. Now, the innovative company is generating lots of excitement with their next-level token burns that use a pioneering algorithm to link token burns to token holders’ real-world achievements.

Limoverse is burning an equivalent number of tokens for every kilometer run and every calorie burned. The mass token burns shrink the supply of tokens available and subsequently raise the value of the remaining tokens held by users. This ingenious new method of incentivization ensures that users' fitness efforts directly affect the growth of their token investments. The company also promises to expand the program by burning all unredeemed rewards from the HealthFi Rewards Pool to certify that no tokens go to waste on inactive users. “This strategic move firmly underscores our dedication to forging a sustainable token economy, guaranteeing that each Limoverse token serves its utmost purpose," says Sajeev Nair, founder and chairman of Limoverse.

$LIMO Tokens have a supply of 10 billion tokens, and the recent token burn saw 86,494,575 LIMO tokens being burnt and taken out of circulation.

Regarding the future of Limoverse, Mr. Nair also said that they will soon be introducing new programs dubbed ModiFi and CreatFi, which will “solidify our position as the most comprehensive health and wellness ecosystem in the web3 world”. ModiFi will empower users with advanced health tracking and AI-powered capabilities to enable users more control over their wellness journey. CreatFi will feature a host of self-paced courses and personal coaching options.

The Limoverse App is currently available on Google Play and the App Store. Be sure to visit the company’s official website and follow its Twitter, Telegram, and Facebook pages to stay up-to-date on exciting developments!

What Is a Token Burn, and How Does It Increase Value?

For more information about Limoverse’s token burns and how they increase the value of the remaining supply, go to

“But what exactly is a token burn, and why is it generating such excitement? The answers to these questions are pivotal to understanding the magnitude of this event. Token burns are akin to enchantments in the realm of cryptocurrency. When tokens are subjected to a burn, they are permanently removed from circulation. This action not only diminishes the overall token supply but also heightens its scarcity, elevating the value of each remaining token.”

From Limoverse Ignites the Crypto Space with A Novel Token Burn - Yahoo Finance

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Have you ever participated in a token burn, and if so, how did it affect the value of your tokens?

Written by Yellow Brick Road

September 26th, 2023

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