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Harvest Time is Work Time!

Updated: May 16

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” (Genesis8:22 NIV) Each passing season brings optimum crops rather than trying stability and hope for upcoming years of production and blessings. Agriculture Pro Source Inc. strives to work with natural soil and crop functions to produce optimum crops rather than trying to manipulate and control what has been created. The color of each crop harvested indicates its overall health and quality. Vibrant colors suggest the intended balance of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients are held inside each morsel harvested. When consumed, healthy crops fuel the consumer with energy, satisfying the nutritional needs rather than leaving an undefinable longing for more (of something) despite having a full-feeling stomach. Forage analyses of hay or other crops treated with the biological products Agriculture Pro Source Inc. distributes can be used to verify the balanced nutrient values mentioned. Forage analyses often also show improvements in Agriculture Pro Source Inc.-treated hay and other crops’ protein contents. Applying these as Agriculture Pro Source Inc. recommends bolsters beneficial soil organisms’ functions to liberate soil- nutrients when and as needed by crops to facilitate such balances of minerals, vitamins, protein, and other nutrients in each crop, regardless of soil type. Another attribute seen by applying these biological products, as Agriculture Pro Source Inc. recommends, is healthier moisture content within each harvested crop. When harvested, a healthy crop’s moisture content is within a range of moisture specific to each crop. These moisture ranges are critical to their crop’s test weight and storability. Test weight usually affects the price commanded by each crop when it is sold. Usually, the higher the test weight (within the designated range), the higher the price received. If a crop is too moist or dry (due to the effects of drought) when put into storage bins or hay bales, it can develop various molds or diseases unique to each crop. Too much moisture in a hay bale may cause it to combust, potentially igniting a fire that destroys more than just that overly moist hay. When the moisture content is within a healthy range for a crop, dryness does not cause stress cracks, excess moisture does not promote molds and mycotoxins, and overall quality and color are preserved until the crop is consumed.

Musty mold spores in spoiled hay or stored grain can quickly cause acute lung issues. Applying the products Agriculture Pro Source Inc. distributes as recommended may generate a collateral benefit of protecting producers’ and other workers’ lungs from such exposures. Activities for planting seeds and tending to crops throughout a growing season all entail a lot of work. Harvesting those crops also requires a lot of attention to detail and work. Weather conditions must be monitored among the information, and crucial timing decisions must be made to harvest at optimum times.

Machinery must be repaired. Thank you and tuned so each required piece is fixed and the equipment is ready for service when and as needed. This type of preparation also takes time and deliberate planning to be well prepared for maximum potential Harvests.

Thank you, and let’s re-generate our soil today!!

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Written by Agriculture Pro Source

October 1, 2023

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