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  • Writer's pictureYellow Brick Road Token

Eat Clean and Watch Your Life Transform

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Eating Clean Is a Lifestyle, Not A Diet

Close-up of a person's hand making oatmeal with fruit in a bowl.

Eating clean is not a diet or a fad. It is a kind of lifestyle that will make you and your body feel good. It’s more than just cutting out certain foods - it's about making healthier choices every day and developing better habits! Health is far more important than wealth, and a solid and fit body leads to a more fulfilling and happy life. Clean eating means making the most of your daily calorie intake by eating the most beneficial sources of necessary macronutrients like proteins and fats while consuming less unhealthy ones. Although switching to a more nutritious diet doesn’t seem easy at first, the benefits are highly worthwhile and immediately noticeable, which helps provide a sense of motivation to keep going.

When you first switch to a healthier diet, your hunger will stabilize, and you will experience fewer food cravings throughout the day. You will also notice heightened mental focus and clarity, and your energy levels will rise. Within just a week, you might see weight loss because of all the excess water your body is shedding due to lower sodium consumption.

After doing anything for 21 days continuously, it becomes habitual, so after the first month, you’ll naturally make healthier choices without having to think as hard about it. Between the first and sixth months of healthy eating, all long-term health benefits start to kick in. Pre-existing health conditions that you may have been experiencing, like migraines or joint pain, might begin to clear up. Your cholesterol levels will decrease, and your blood pressure reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke. Blood glucose levels will become stable and reduce your risk factor for diabetes, or if you already have diabetes, your symptoms will be more manageable. Although you might not notice it, your bones will also be getting stronger, reducing your risk of stress fractures and breaks.

The Results One Year After Clean Eating

To learn more about how your body will transform when you begin eating clean, check out

“One Year After Starting:

You’ll still be enjoying all the benefits noted above as these benefits will persist for as long as you continue to eat healthy.

You’ll be at your target goal weight – a body weight where you feel healthy, strong, and confident.

You might find yourself wanting to try new exercises/sports/activities. You finally feel you’ve reached a place where you’re confident in the physical activity your body can do.

You’re sure that you will not revert back to your old lifestyle by this point. You’ve seen too many positive changes to give it all up for those foods.

You finally understand how some people seem to be naturally motivated. For you, eating healthy isn’t something you work at any longer, it’s just something you ‘do’.

By this point you will have learned to indulge wisely – you can treat yourself if you wish, and it will not cause you to fall right off your plan entirely.

You’ll be feeling happier and healthier than you ever have before.”

From Year in Review: How Your Body Will Change Once You Start Eating Healthy - Fresh N Lean

Photo Source: WIX

Have you or anyone you know switched to a healthier diet? What were some changes you noticed?

Written by Yellow Brick Road Token

April 23rd, 2018

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