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Crypto Fund Head Focuses on Mental Health with Grateful Giraffe NFTs and More!

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

A billboard outside that says 'What Are You Grateful For?' with two painted giraffes nuzzling, and hand writing all across the board from pedestrians who wrote their answers to the question,

Grateful Giraffes, The Gratitude Wall, and The House of Gratitude

Grateful Labs is a Philadelphia-based company launched in January 2022 to respond to the exacerbating global mental health crisis. The company has recently announced the introduction of a new series of NFTs known as the Grateful Giraffes series. The NFTs represent memberships in the Grateful Labs portfolio. Some of the NFTs are being sold in private sales, but others will be sold at auction on World Gratitude Day on September 21st, 2022.

There is a community for NFT holders and access to exclusive content and experiences associated with the sale. But there’s more to the Grateful Giraffe than a fun NFT, website, and sense of community. The company recently unveiled a physical art installation in Tel Aviv’s central Habima Square known as The Gratitude Wall. Throughout The Gratitude Wall's building, a full schedule is planned, including community-based events such as live music, yoga, sound healing, meditation, and plenty more wellness-based activities. The Gratitude Wall will run from March 25th to April 9th, 2022, with future walls planned in other locations worldwide.

After the installation, it will become an NFT and part of the virtual House of Gratitude foundation. The House of Gratitude will be a metaverse-based gratitude-themed healing center, accessible to anyone who has written on The Gratitude Wall and has claimed a fractional share of the NFT using their digital wallet.

The company has also brought a mobile version of The Gratitude Wall to the United States as a bus that invites members of the public to write whatever they’re grateful for. There will also be training, workshops, retreats, and a public art installation. 10% of revenues will be contributed to a community-run non-profit organization, the Grateful DAO.

Gratitude for Better Mental Wellness

For more information about Grateful Labs and their upcoming projects, go to

“Marine said that he got the idea that gratitude could be taught and could become part of a lifestyle choice.

‘In the last 20 years or so, a lot of scientific literature has been written about just how gratitude actually changes your neurology. Your brain actually rewires how you perceive events in the world and just ultimately lifts your spirit and your mood,’ he said.

Marine noted that this effort to learn gratitude can play a big role in with more than just the pervasive stress of the pandemic. He said it can also teach you to deal with unexpected stress.

‘Our entire Grateful Labs team is thrilled to help us transition from the bleakness of a pandemic reality to a happier, healthier time,’ said Max Marine, CEO and founder of Grateful Labs. Marine was formerly principal of an investment fund Lool Ventures.”

From Crypto Fund Head Focuses on Gratitude In Mental Health Move - Forbes

Photo Source: Grateful Labs

Which part of Grateful Lab’s plan are you most excited for? The Grateful Wall, the Grateful Girrafe NFTS, The House of Gratitude, or all of the above!?

Written by Yellow Brick Road

May 25th, 2022

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