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  • Writer's pictureYellow Brick Road Token

Creating a Personal Wellness Plan

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

A man sitting on a chair in a robe with his legs crossed facing off into the distance from a patio with snow around it.

How To Make Your Own Personalized Wellness Plan?

Wellness is defined as ‘the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.’ Especially when looking from a holistic perspective, personal wellness initiatives can happen in different factors of your life. While health is a state of being, wellness is a set of actions you consistently take to manifest results in your health. While many components of health can be analyzed when creating a personal wellness plan, the leading five are: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and financial.

A wellness plan is a personally customized set of goals that will help you maintain optimal health in the areas of your life that require extra attention. It’s a plan of action that considers the obstacles you face in your daily life and the parts of your lifestyle that you want to work on. It serves as a map that outlines daily habits that must be followed to reach your personal health goals and answers the question: What do emotional wellness and optimal health look like for me? Having a wellness plan reminds you to nurture yourself.

The first step to developing a personal wellness plan is to ask yourself how you can improve your wellness. You must assess your daily routine and overall lifestyle so that your goals will work for you and focus on what is effective for you. A few questions you can ask yourself to get started are: Do you often feel physically tired? Do you have healthy coping mechanisms for emotional distress? Are your relationships and friendships healthy? Are you engaging in fun activities or creative hobbies that you enjoy?

Once you’ve identified the areas and specific components of your life that you would like to focus on, it is time to set some goals. There are two different types of goals you should be creating: process goals and outcome goals. Process goals are steps you deem necessary to achieve your outcome goal(s). For example, if one of your outcome goals is to lose weight, one of your process goals might be to go for a jog in the morning. It is essential when developing goals to make them realistic. Check out our blog on How Following a Plan Helps Reach Success for more advice on goal setting with the S.M.A.R.T goal outline.

Finally, it’s time to set off on your wellness plan. The process goals you incorporate should be attainable in your daily life and should not demand you to change your entire day, or there will probably be many setbacks. Try to integrate the goals into your current schedule, alongside your morning or bedtime routines. Your wellness plan should consist of steps that you can eventually turn into lifestyle changes.

Staying Accountable to Your Wellness Plan

To learn more about how to create a wellness plan and keep yourself in check throughout the plan, check out

“Some of these items will be part of your morning routine. Some will be part of your nightly practice, right before going to bed at night. It doesn’t have to take much time, but the positive impact will be priceless.

The best part of your wellness plan is that when you work in one wellness area, the others are positively impacted. When you neglect one area, the other areas will be impacted negatively.

I suggest you find a support system to help you keep accountable. I attend support groups and talk to supportive family members when I need an encouraging safe space. Professional help is also a wise choice!

Stay open to adjusting your personal wellness plan, because it’s a living document. As our life changes, especially as we age, situations, circumstances, and conditions also change. Again, your wellness plan needs to work for you, so if something isn’t working, try something else!”

From 3 Simple Tips to Create and Activate Your Personal Wellness Plan - The Positive Mom

Photo Source: WIX

What are some goals you want to work towards? What steps are you going to take to help get yourself there?

Written by Yellow Brick Road Token

April 20th, 2022

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