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  • Writer's pictureYellow Brick Road Token

A Holistic Approach to Workplace Burnout

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Close-up of tree branches wet with dew.

Burnout Affects the Employee and the Business

Throughout the past few years, burnout has drastically increased. Employees have been working longer hours with growing lists of demands, and it has become increasingly difficult for most to balance work and personal lives. Exasperated by the COVID-19 pandemic, burnout has become somewhat of an epidemic in the workplace. Although many employees try to push through burnout by working harder, this solution is entirely unsustainable and eventually leads to immense adverse effects. For the roots of employee burnout to be adequately addressed, a holistic approach is necessary.

The wellness wheel is a holistic model that identifies eight encompassing dimensions of wellness. This includes physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, environmental, financial, and occupational. In holistic health, all these factors affect one another, and the individual is not considered well unless they are well in all eight dimensions. This is demonstrated in the workplace, for example, when an employee is experiencing financial stress and becomes emotionally exhausted and unable to focus on their work. By addressing all dimensions of the wellness wheel, businesses build a better understanding of the problems that employees are experiencing and can offer tools to manage stress and promote a healthy work-life balance adequately.

Companies can promote a healthy balance by creating an environment that recognizes and supports employees by providing necessary resources and support systems to maintain all dimensions of holistic wellness. For example, if an employee is struggling with their mental health, they might benefit from resources such as counseling services. Similarly, if an employee manages a chronic illness, they may require assistance accessing medical care or modifying their workspace. To prevent burnout in the workplace, it is also essential for employees to feel that their concerns are heard and addressed seriously. Psychological safety is necessary for a healthy workplace, and employees become much more likely to speak up before a situation becomes unmanageable.

Businesses need to take accountability for promoting a healthy work-life balance. Companies can generate a productive and positive work environment by recognizing and providing support for employees in all components of their lives. It has been statistically shown that when employees feel supported in their personal lives, they are much more likely to be engaged and motivated in the workplace. Contrarily, when employees feel a lack of support or appreciation, they are more likely to experience burnout. Burnout leads to high turnover rates, absenteeism, and reduced productivity, which can directly hinder the company’s performance. By holistically supporting employees, businesses are also implementing a much more productive and profitable business model that is beneficial for both the employer and employee.

Individuals and Companies Must Take Accountability

To learn more about how burnout affects the workplace and how it can be avoided, check out

“As mentioned earlier, dealing with burnout requires employees to take responsibility. From the employee’s perspective, taking ownership of one’s health and being proactive in maintaining optimum health. When it comes to our health, we often think of going to the doctor as a reactive measure – we only go when we are already feeling sick. However, taking a more proactive approach to our health can make a big difference in our overall well-being. This means making healthy lifestyle choices, managing stress effectively, and seeking help when needed. This includes making healthy lifestyle choices, getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, managing stress effectively, and seeking help when needed. Only then will we be able to create workplaces that are truly conducive to health and wellness. Only then will employees be able to lead healthy and productive lives.

One of the benefits of taking ownership of our health is that it can help to prevent burnout. When we proactively take care of ourselves, we are more likely to feel balanced and in control. This can lead to increased productivity and improved relationships with our colleagues. In addition, being proactive about our health shows that we are taking responsibility for our own well-being. This sets a good example for others in our work teams and creates a healthier workplace culture.”

From A Wholistic Approach to Burnout is Needed - Thrive Global

Photo Source: WIX

Have you ever experienced burnout? What resources do you think could be introduced to help prevent it?

Written by Yellow Brick Road Token

April 25th, 2022

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