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  • Writer's pictureYellow Brick Road Token

5 Powerful Ways to Cleanse Your Aura

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Side shot of rows of brown wooden benches in a stone European church.

Powerful Tools for Cleansing Your Aura and Soul

1. Physical Purge Through Water

One of the simplest ways to cleanse your aura is to plunge into a large body of water. Lakes, oceans, rivers, and streams hold a powerful ability to purge the body and the soul. Being in nature’s swimming pools allows the world to bathe your aura and neutralize any negativity, physically and emotionally cleansing.

2. Smudging

Like smudging to remove negative energy from a home or crystals, one can also spread their soul and aura. Sage, Juniper, and Lavender are the three best and most known herbs for smudging rituals. Simply light the smudge stick, inhale deeply, and waft the smoke over the body slowly as you visualize all the negative energy dissipating.

3. Crystals

Crystals are an extremely well-known and incredibly potent tool for aura cleansing. The best crystals for aura cleansing are neutralizing and calming crystals, like Amethyst and Moonstone. Crystal jewellery can be worn to protect the aura, or specific crystals can be held during meditation to cleanse thoughts and emotions.

4. Meditation

Meditation is another popular and powerful tool for cleansing the aura of negative energy. It can be incredibly effective whether you have five minutes or five hours. It is best to find somewhere quiet to sit and introduce gentle breathing exercises. With each inhale, you should imagine absorbing clean, bright air into yourself, and with every exhale, imagine the negative being released. Meditation can also be used as a preventative method to repel bad energy.

5. Take a Healing Bath

Finally, healing baths, otherwise known as goddess baths, are an excellent way to cleanse your soul and aura. A healing bath is a form of a physical purge through water, but you don’t have to take an hour-long road trip to your nearest natural body of water. Healing baths are performed in any tub of water that you can fit into comfortably. Essential oils, healing herbs, and flowers are common additions to the baths that promote positive energy. Rose petals, Himalayan Sea salts, and Lavender oils are highly reputable common additions.

What Does Cleansing Your Aura Mean?

For more information about aura cleansing and how it works, go to

“Cleansing your aura is a formal process where you intentionally set out to clean your energy fields. Your aura can get blocked or can pick up the negative auric energy of those around you. This can lead to feelings of lethargy, confusion, and anxiety. You can cleanse your aura by using crystals, water, smudging, sunlight, and by nurturing a connection with the natural world. Cleansing your aura can reset your energy, heighten intuition, and help you connect to feelings of self-love and worth.

There is no hard and fast rule as to how often you should cleanse your aura - the bottom line is to cleanse it as much as you need to. Working with auras and energy is very much about working with intuitive feelings. If you know you feel off kilter, blocked, or heavy - it could be time for an energetic cleanse. Getting into a consistent habit of over-cleansing your aura may lead to you wiping trigger points rather than learning to listen to the trigger points and what they may be trying to communicate. Treat cleansing your aura like washing your hair - as and when needed.

Aura cleansing and mindful ways of letting go of bad energy can help you to feel lighter, better balanced, and in command of your own emotions. Whether or not you believe in aura cleansing it is always beneficial to check in with your energy, to be aligned with the messages the body is sending out, and to take the time to commit to self-care practices and boundary setting in order to nurture love and compassion and grow stronger every day.”

From 10 Ways to Cleanse Your Aura - Tiny Rituals

Photo Source: WIX

What are some ways that you cleanse your chakra?

Written by Yellow Brick Road Token

April 25th, 2022

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