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3 Projects Approved by Ministry of Science and Technology in China

Updated: Mar 19

Research and Development Projects Granted Approval

At the end of 2020, the Ministry of Science and Technology in China approved the commencement of 3 new research and development projects.

The first new study, "Research and Application Demonstration of Innovative Methods for Intelligent Manufacturing of Marine Equipment" is being conducted by Fenxi Heavy Industries, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporations (CSSC). Fenxi Heavy Industries was selected in 2020 to take part in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s pilot demonstration project of Big Data Industry Development. Their recently approved project is being conducted as follow-up research based on national-wide research they recently completed, the “Pilot and Demonstration Project of Integrated Application of Big Data in Ship and Offshore Engineering Equipment Industry”.

Jiangsu Jereh Technology Group, a subsidiary of 716 Institute, has received approval for their “Development and Application Demonstration of the Shipbuilding Process Management Platform” study. Their research project has also been successfully selected as a key special support project for the National Ministry of Science and Technology’s 2020 R&D Program ‘Network Collaborative Manufacturing and Smart Factory’.

China Sea Equipment Projects has received approval for their project, the ‘Key Technology Research on New High-Efficiency Wind Energy Conversion Device”. The project was successfully selected to contribute as a key special support project of the National Key R&D Program “Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy Technology”.

Research Proposals

For more information about the upcoming studies, check out the summary of research proposals

“Fenxi Heavy Industry:

The key research content of this project is to build a research and application framework model for marine equipment R&D and production innovation methods based on intelligent manufacturing mode. Aiming at the design, technology, production control, intelligent detection and other links in the R&D and production process, form a marine equipment intelligent manufacturing innovation method and innovation model based on the intelligent manufacturing model, and conduct application demonstrations, while forming a set of marine equipment based on intelligent manufacturing. The evaluation system of equipment intelligent R&D and intelligent production innovation methods promotes the realization of digital, networked, and intelligent transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

Jiangsu Jereh Technology Group:

The ‘Development and Application Demonstration of the Shipbuilding Process Management Platform’ project addresses technical difficulties such as difficulty in sensing all elements of the shipbuilding scene and low production process management and maintenance efficiency, and aims to break through the multi-mode dynamic slicing network in the large scene 5G access environment, highly dynamic all-element target precise positioning and status awareness, real-time data-driven fault diagnosis and life estimation of shipbuilding equipment, shipbuilding multi-machine collaborative operation and production process optimization under the coupling of multi-source heterogeneous information, cloud-side collaborative computing and machine learning China’s shipbuilding quality defect analysis and other key technologies, independent development of shipbuilding production control software, and demonstration applications in typical shipbuilding processes, to enhance the automation and intelligence level of China’s shipbuilding manufacturing quality control.

China Sea Equipment:

As the main undertaking unit of the project, China Haizhuang is responsible for the high-precision component manufacturing and system integration verification of the high-efficiency wind energy conversion device. The subject research will start with basic theories, key technologies, major equipment, and system platforms, and fully combine the status quo of the manufacturing industry chain and life-cycle cost requirements and achieve breakthroughs in high-efficiency wind energy capture, low-loss transmission, high-efficiency power generation, and friendly grid connection. Cooperate with the lead unit and the participating units to carry out theoretical research and device development of new and efficient wind energy conversion.”

Source: 3 Projects Were Approved by The Ministry of Science and Technology - China State Shipbuilding Corporation {Translated from Chinese to English}

Photo Source: WIX -

Written by AQUAMERGE

November 5, 2020

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