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$27-Million Real-Time Farm Analytics Project Announced in Atlantic Canada

Updated: Mar 19

The Integrated Operations and Real-Time Analytics Project

Atlantic Canada-based Canada’s Ocean Supercluster, the national ‘industry-led transformative cluster’, has announced the launch of the Integrated Operations and Real-Time Analytics Project. Almost $27 million has been invested in the endeavor, which aims to provide live information, analytics, environmental connectivity to improve overall operations.

The Integrated Operations and Real-Time Analytics Project is being led from Newfoundland & Labrador and Nova Scotia, and is a joint effort led by Grieg Seafood Newfoundland and supported by partners: Innovasea, SubC Imaging, AKVA Group, and High-Tech Communications. It has been funded by a $12-million contribution from Canada’s Ocean Supercluster, with an additional $14.8 million in matching industry contributions.

Their goal is to create a suite of technologies that will provide businesses with global control over aquaculture operations, ‘from egg to harvest, including feeding fish and monitoring of fish, equipment and personnel’. According to Canada’s Ocean Supercluster, the project will also create 138 new jobs, including 20 at project implementation.

The project will create high-speed connectivity in Newfoundland’s Placentia Bay, expanding connectivity across the operation. SubC Imaging, one of the partners on the project, will provide live monitoring of farms through image processing. Innovasea is also working to improve data monitoring by applying a range of algorithms to gain a better understanding of fish health to improve performance within farms.

Innovative Technological Solutions for Aquaculture and Fisheries

Read the official announcement by Canada’s Ocean Supercluster or check out videos detailing their plans, at

“The project will benefit its partners, OSC members, industry, and customers by allowing for better planning and decision making through:

Enhanced containment monitoring;

Better fish health monitoring;

Advanced equipment monitoring;

Broadened environmental monitoring;

Increased storm preparedness;

Improved crew safety, and

Innovative network capabilities and farm system software.

The Integrated Operations and Real-Time Analytics Project will promote sustainable use of ocean and freshwater ecosystems by developing and providing technology solutions for egg to harvest open ocean aquaculture and supporting the Ocean Supercluster’s focus on building Canada’s ocean economy in a digital, sustainable, and inclusive way.”

Source: Ocean Supercluster Announces $27M Integrated Operations and Real-Time Analytics Project - Canada’s Ocean Supercluster

Photo Source: WIX -

Written by AQUAMERGE

February 25, 2021

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